Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Hollis-Amtrak to BART, approx. 5:05pm - A Couple at Odds

A couple at odds: The man says, "SHUT UP." The woman says, "Don't tell me to shut up. I bet you're eaten up by the guilt." Man walks away. The shuttle arrives. Woman gets on the shuttle by herself. Man gets on just as the shuttle is about to leave. Woman: "I thought you said you'll be back in a minute, you sunnovabitch." He whispers something, they laugh and semi-make out.

A couple at odds, the sequel: As the shuttle pulls into the left turn lane by Pixar, the woman says "So Pixar did move out!" (referring to the company's 2004 threat to leave Emeryville if it didn't get approval to expand by constructing three new buildings on its campus) Man whispers something and she asks, "So Disney bought Pixar?" More whispering, then an aha moment: "Ohhhh, so Pixar bought Walt Disney!"

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